Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Got Muda?

I don’t think anyone can argue against the concept of Lean Manufacturing, given today’s economy. Lean is about doing more with less: less time, inventory, space, people, and money.

Lean is about speed and getting it right the first time. It is a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste – or Muda – through continuous improvement – making training a necessary component.

I want to share a comment I recently received from a medium-sized commercial printer embracing Lean: “One of my primary responsibilities is to ensure that operating procedures are documented and our prepress employees are sufficiently trained in all applicable software. We are just now starting to embrace Lean Manufacturing, which puts a huge emphasis on investing in our employees through training so they are more efficient and produce error free work… Quite an overwhelming task without seeking the help of a company such as yours.”

If you company is still deciding whether or not to implement Lean, check out this guide.

Then, know that this Lean Green Training Machine stands by your side to make your efforts a success.

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