Monday, May 5, 2008

Training Online vs. Face to Face

A recent Graphic Arts Online article caught my attention, Online vs. Face to Face Training by NAPL expert Howie Fenton. I think Howie brings up a good point-– too often online education is disguised as online training, leaving the learner frustrated. Corporate education is important, but is not ideally delivered via e-learning. So, I agree with Howie’s comments, from that standpoint.

However, work flow, or process training is best delivered through a consistent, repetitive environment, which often cannot be accomplished one-on-one, and if it is, it is typically not cost effective.

The important thing, no matter what type of training delivery you are using, is that the training program should meet certain criteria. We’ve created a couple to tools to help you out, if you are considering implementing a training program or if you want to evaluate your current training efforts:

The Ideal Training Program

Management Decision Maker Checklist

If you are leaning toward an online delivery, here’s a great evaluation tool I found: Measuring the Total Cost of e-Learning by Kevin Kruse.

We also offer an ROI calculation specific to your company. Just contact us at to get yours.

Training is extremely important as the economy tightens, so no matter what type of training you do – just do it!

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