I was trying to hook up a wireless router to get my son’s Xbox online last night after dinner. We went through the step-by-step CD and of course on the last step the connection failed. Try again, same thing. Reconfigure the set-up, try again, lo and behold we have internet connection on the laptop. Granted it was a wired connection, but Google was still alive in the world of cyberspace. (It’s a scary feeling not being connected, even for a few minutes.)
Okay, now to make it work with the Xbox. Plug the wireless adapter in, scroll through the set-up screens. No connection, cannot find the router. Try repeatedly, still nothing. The Xbox instructions were totally useless, so I get on the phone to the router tech support – which actually went fairly well. (I know… the stars must have been shining on us.) Got him connected – Yeah!!!! He starts going through the various updates required and loses connection. Boo!!!!
As it is now approaching 11 PM, we shut the whole thing down and give up frustrated. In fact, he boxed it all back up with intentions on returning the whole lot today.
How often does technology do that to you? We try to muddle our way through it – fail – get frustrated – and shelve it. An owner once told me they had bought PitStop, couldn’t figure it out, and now it sits on a shelf gathering dust. A sad (and expensive) but true story.
That’s why we create the training we do. So you don’t have to muddle your way through it. So if your not one of our clients already, make sure you check out our free tips and tricks at http://www.prepresstraining.com/tips.html and make sure you opt into our newsletter to get even more great info.
To learn more about PitStop: http://www.enfocus.com/product.php?id=855
To learn more about PitStop training: http://www.prepresstraining.com/courses/pitstop7.html
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