Monday, March 31, 2008

You are Granted One Wish

If could fix one problem that repeatedly occurs in your operation, what would it be?

Maybe, how to load the paper right in the folding machine? Or, how to get the CSRs to fill out job tickets correctly?

Every operation has areas it can improve upon. Consistent quality and productivity improvement, or Kaizen, is what separates profit leaders from profit challengers. Think Toyota versus Ford or GM.

So if you could fix just one problem, what would it be? Take a moment and build your “wish list.”

What if I told you I could grant one of your wishes? You’d probably say, OK, what’s the catch – what’s it going to cost me?

I’d tell you NOTHING… that’s right… FREE.

Now being a sensible and sane person, you would probably doubt me. So I challenge you. See for yourself:

Be sure and leave a comment and let me know what’s on your wish list.

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